
P&C meetings are separated into themes, so you can attend based on what type of involvement you want:

P&C executives meeting: Parent board members and P&C office bearers meeting to discuss ongoing P&C projects and prepare for school board meeting and plan. If you have items to want raised by the parent board members, email contacts are on the who we are page.

Open meetings: with P&C, Parents and school executives. These meetings are to discuss issues of concern to parents, school performance and exchange information. Held in the senior staff room at Telopea.

P&C planning meetings: while this is a strategic planning aimed at P&C position holders, all parents are welcome to attend this meeting to raise an issue directly with the P&C group. Generally held via videoconference, please email president for log-in details.

Events sub-committee:  ad-hoc meetings as required to plan events. Generally held somewhere there is easy access to delicious food and drink. If you want to be involved in the fun, community-building side of the P&C, these are the meetings for you. Contact the Vice president (events) to join the group. It takes as much or as little effort as you are prepared to give.

2024 meetings

2023 meetings


Old meeting papers can be found here.