Who we are/contacts

Every parent is a member of the Telopea Park School Parents and Citizens Association. We welcome your attendance at our meetings. All info can be found on the Meetings page. 

Office Bearers:

Role 2024 Person Contact
President Ro Mitchell President at telopeapnc.org.au
Vice President Jeannot De Nadjitein

VicePresident at telopeapnc.org.au
Vice President
(chair of Outside School Hours Care)
Stuart Wilson

chairOSHC at telopeapnc.org.au 

Secretary Julie Tournet Secretary at telopeapnc.org.au
Asst Secretary   Secretary at telopeapnc.org.au
Treasurer Clair Victoria Treasurer at telopeapnc.org.au
Asst Treasurer Martin Pawlukowski Treasurer at telopeapnc.org.au
School Board Parent Reps

Paul de Fombelle
Stephen Bowhuis

boardmembers at telopeapnc.org.au

2024 Non-executive Positions

Role 2024 Person Contact
ACT P and C Council Delegate Daniel H via president at telopeapnc.org.au
Grants Officer Ro via president at telopeapnc.org.au
Public Officer Colin Sweett via president at telopeapnc.org.au
Webmaster Ben Tanzer Webmaster at telopeapnc.org.au
Communications Cécile, Jess, Antonia Communication at telopeapnc.org.au
Lost Property Coordinator Vacant LostProperty at telopeapnc.org.au
Second Hand Uniform Shop Wendy, Mia and Audrey SecondHandUniformShop at telopeapnc.org.au
Events / Fundraising Lead Jeannot and Priscilla Events-team at telopeapnc.org.au
New Teacher Welcome Coordinator Rim via president at telopeapnc.org.au
Outside School Hours Care committee Stuart, Tui, Jeannot, Tara, Soomin, Rim, Jess via chairOSCH at telopeapnc.org.au

Year Coordinators – Aiding communication between the P&C and the school community

2024 Kindy Julie  kindy at telopeapnc.org.au

2024 Year 1 – CP Cindy year1 at telopeapnc.org.au
Facebookwhatsapp group
2024 Year 2 – CE1 Cécile year2 at telopeapnc.org.au
Facebookwhatsapp group 
2024 Year 3 – CE 2 Ali year3 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 4 – CM1 Racheline year4 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 5 – CM2   year5 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 6 – 6eme Marsha year6 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 7 – 5eme   year7 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 8 – 4eme Ro year8 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 9 – 3eme Stephanie year9 at telopeapnc.org.au
2024 Year 10 – 2nde Ro year10 at telopeapnc.org.au

We have drafted a position description of each role including expected duties. Please note that roles continue to evolve, dependent upon the occupant of the position and the time they have available to dedicate to the role.

There are a number of P&C sub-committees and School Committees that oversee events and areas of interest. Parents and carers are warmly invited to represent the broader school community on these committees. These committees meet as required. If you are interested in any of these, please contact the P&C President to register your name. Please note that new sub-committees can be formed throughout the year to undertake new projects, so you are welcome to contribute new ideas at any time!